Thursday, June 12, 2008

Being a Good Citizen

I'm such a realist. I need to start doing fun crafts and activities with my kids, like making a flag out of construction paper or something. But I generally just talk to them about stuff, which I guess helps teach them, but doesn't develop their creativity.

Anyway, about this week's theme: We talked about the flag, and what the stars and stripes mean. E had no idea that at one time there were only 13 states, or colonies. So that was a fun history lesson too. We also talked a little about the upcoming elections, and who might be the next president of the United States of America (not to be confused with the president of the church, which I used to always mix up when I was little). We also looked at a map of the world, and of the United States, and talked about how there are different laws in different countries. Maybe since we still have a few days of this week left, and therefore a few days left with this theme, I will try to do something creative too. Hmmm, paints sound tolerable right now. I'm so bad. Anyone want to come help me do projects with my kids???

Oh, and I came across this today concerning a three year old and politics that made me laugh out loud. I don't laugh out loud very often while reading something. Thanks to Mommie Daze for a good laugh.


Mommie Daze said...

Thanks for the nice comment and for linking to me. Glad you got a laugh from it. :)

Anonymous said...

I read your little bio and I think you are too hard on yourself. As your kids get older just supply them with the materials and be there. You will be surprised at what they will come up with on their own. My oldest just made a guitar out of a box we had. Now we have a band :)

Anonymous said...

I read your little bio and I think you are too hard on yourself. As your kids get older just supply them with the materials and be there. You will be surprised at what they will come up with on their own. My oldest just made a guitar out of a box we had. Now we have a band :)

Anonymous said...

I really appreciate this article!