Friday, December 5, 2008

Re-Post: Glowsticks in the Bathtub

Thanks to Deneal for this fantastic idea...

At Wal-Mart, they sell three packs of glow stick necklaces for 92 cents. I give each child one to play with in the tub; we always take baths at night. Then I turn off the bathroom light and turn on the hall light. They are obsessed! They can stay in the tub for an hour, until the water is cold and their hands are completely pruney. Then, you put the glowsticks in the freezer, and you can pull them out for next time and use them again! When your kids thank you for the extra fun in the tub, you can silently thank Deneal and me!

Midweek Pick Me Up
The "h" word came out of my five year old's mouth for the first time last night directed toward me. You know, the one that rhymes with fate? Is it fate that brings this word into a child's vocabulary? I reacted as calmly as I could, ignoring what he said and telling him he was going to get a time out anyway (refusing a time out is why I heard this ugly word). So, when both of us had calmed down, I sat down on his bed and said, "I am going to listen to you. You talk for as long as you like, telling me how you are feeling using feeling words like frustrated, tired, upset, angry."

Later on, I got on and searched "I hate you." And I found this:

When your child blurts out "I hate you!" he's really saying that he's tired
and overwhelmed and doesn't know how to deal with the situation.

So, what does this have to do with a pick me up?

It helped me realize that:
  1. My child is normal. This is something most kids do at one point.

  2. My child really doesn't hate me. In fact, he loves me.

  3. The more a child understands the concept of hate, the more fiercely he can love.

  4. The internet can be a great source of information and consolation!

  5. Websites and blogs like this one are needed for us moms to lift each other up.

I'm sure many of you can relate, if not with this exact situation, then with something similar. I'm so glad I have fellow moms and friends like you who are willing to help and uplift me. And that's what we're all here for -- to do the same for you!

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